Best service on this forum BY FAR! Your own posters are telling me so.

Feb 4, 2019
That's right, even though there will be some idiots to say otherwise in this thread I had many sign up in the last 7 days from the Rx stating they chose my service over any others on this site. Very good feeling and i delivered to them these past 7 days . My best bets are NOW 51-28 +98.15* (On another 8-1 current run). Thank you to those new sign ups from here. Keep them coming. CFB tonight, get on board. NFL right around the corner. Many players either don't want to cap or don't have the time to cap so they purchase a service. I can assure you my service will make you very good money throughout football and long after that. NOW their will be some idiot posting in this threads on posts I made long ago. I did at one time work for touts as there text service and nothing more. BUT I used to be on the bad end getting texts back when they lose. I stopped working for them and bought a totals system from my future customer (Used to book back in the day) who he beat me 54 straight weeks and even longer afterwards. That system has taken off on good runs. YOU TOO can be on the good end with my totals system plays. My service costs les than 49 cents a day for 365 day package. Of course their are more packages BUT 95% of my 365 day customers quickly signed up for a lifetime package after seeing my results. I can claim to be the best but won't do so my plays will have you saying that for sure. So don't pay attention what any idiot shows you on past posts I made. This is the real deal my records are updated in every morning sheet I send. NO fudging or padding anything. So IF you want in email me at . Remember starting this Saturday there are many cfb games and the lines makers have already made mistakes on a few games. MY system caught at least 3 games where the total, is off by 3-5 points. Get on board and make money with the BEST totals system anywhere. Remember don't pay attention to any threads shared against me, like i said that's when I was working for touts and selling for them. Oh and lets see if BetAllSports deletes any bad publicity in this thread like he does for Biz when he cried to him!

Apr 30, 2009
I sent you money earlier in the season. Was supposed to get plays for the rest of the year. A few weeks later, you emailed with a story about a partner. How it was his system. You then asked for more money, based on your partner demanding that you charge more. Then there was another attempt at an upsell for his best bet or some other pick.

You didn't even keep your word regarding my initial payment for the season. How hard would that have been?
At the time you stopped living up to your end of the contract, you were going very bad so I didn't think much of it. I have no idea how you are doing the last couple of months.

I post this only so others know what could happen. I was looking for someone to follow. I guess I will keep looking.
Feb 4, 2019
I sent you money earlier in the season. Was supposed to get plays for the rest of the year. A few weeks later, you emailed with a story about a partner. How it was his system. You then asked for more money, based on your partner demanding that you charge more. Then there was another attempt at an upsell for his best bet or some other pick.

You didn't even keep your word regarding my initial payment for the season. How hard would that have been?
At the time you stopped living up to your end of the contract, you were going very bad so I didn't think much of it. I have no idea how you are doing the last couple of months.

I post this only so others know what could happen. I was looking for someone to follow. I guess I will keep looking.

Sir. IF you paid anything you would've got plays proove you paid with a ****** transcript. YOUR statement is total bullshit. EVERYONE who mpaid gets plays you are not telling the truth. I have people who paid very little and still get plays for 365 days so stating you paid and i didn't h0old up is total BULLSHIT! Show me your ****** statement you paid and I will refund your money and give you 365 days but I know you won't and can't. IF you paid as little as $50 you would still be getting plays. Man people are fucked up trying to hurt people lol BUT you can't hurt my business as I get signups all over from other sites too. I really want to see your ****** statement. The only ones who had their plays stopped were those who didn't sign up like yourself.
Feb 4, 2019
Now Bruinsforlife that you mention it, I have to go back and check. Something must have happened and I stopped your plays I will find out the truth, but how much did you pay? I'll refund it with your proof of purchase. I don't screw anyone. If anything I give way more than some should get. By the way why wait till now to say this on site/promo and not in my baseball threads?? Hmmmm?
Feb 4, 2019
Bruins4Life please email me your ****** info and I will refund your money. On my sheet I have you down with ??? next to your name. IF for some reason you paid and didn't continue to get my plays I will refund you. OR I will honor 365 days starting today. I need your ****** info so I can check my ****** account. I don't screw anyone, not on purpose anyhow. Mistakes to happen and if I am correct you might've signed up on a day with multiple signees and I could've missed it. BUT why wait till now to say something, should've emailed me immediately. I am pretty good on marking files when people pay, but mistakes do happen, IF so I want to make it right!
Feb 4, 2019
Looks like ass-files put Bruins4life's post on his thread about me, lol, this guy can't get enough of me. Hope he dies.
Feb 4, 2019
Bruins4Life thanks for posting that, as X-files took it and ran with it but who knows maybe it was planned. I am waiting for your email.

Jan 12, 2019
100 percent facts that I asked to be on the email list for FREE PICKS, he then went full blown tout.

since then I’ve gotten no less than 5 emails up selling picks and packages, all in which have increased frim
the previous. He put out a guarantee on the all star game that would win to cover the rest of college football that lost as well.

this guy is nothing but a lying tout. No one in their right mind should give him a dollar.


Oct 29, 2011
Oh and lets see if BetAllSports deletes any bad publicity in this thread like he does for Biz when he cried to him!

Nobody cried.

You were banned for being a liar and an asshole
Feb 4, 2019
100 percent facts that I asked to be on the email list for FREE PICKS, he then went full blown tout.

since then I’ve gotten no less than 5 emails up selling picks and packages, all in which have increased frim
the previous. He put out a guarantee on the all star game that would win to cover the rest of college football that lost as well.

this guy is nothing but a lying tout. No one in their right mind should give him a dollar.

OK I guess it's time to move on from here. To many assholes who ruin it for everyone, been that way for 20 years.
Feb 4, 2019
100 percent facts that I asked to be on the email list for FREE PICKS, he then went full blown tout.

since then I’ve gotten no less than 5 emails up selling picks and packages, all in which have increased frim
the previous. He put out a guarantee on the all star game that would win to cover the rest of college football that lost as well.

this guy is nothing but a lying tout. No one in their right mind should give him a dollar.

Dude it's called selling. Yes you got free emails then I went tout so be it. You chose not to buy which i'm glad you didn't. Bottom line is my people are cleaning up now and you guys can't stand it. I make money for all my people. Well the ones who stuck with me through thick and thin. Anyone who wants totals from the BEST TOTALS CAPPER ANYWHERE they know how to contact me. But unfortunately a lot of people will believe you morons and stay away which is cool but many are curious and say this guy, well I have to give him a shot. They do and BOOM they sign up. It's not expensive and if you pay you get a daily sheet with perks. By the way Docmoron those who took that guarantee that lost got a lifetime package free! You on the other hand go cap your own games you probably think you can do a better job,lol, I have 267 people who beg to differ. BEST BETS = 51-28 +98.15* (Another 8-1 run)


Oct 29, 2011
OK I guess it's time to move on from here. To many assholes who ruin it for everyone, been that way for 20 years.

You've been here for 2.

And the irony is that the biggest asshole is you.

"Best Totals capper Anywhere"

Feb 4, 2019
You've been here for 2.

And the irony is that the biggest asshole is you.

"Best Totals capper Anywhere"


Dude I would embarrass you heads up. Keep promoting your baseball threads and x-files promoting you in his own special way.


Oct 29, 2011
Actually you wouldn't.

When you can get to 193-65 for an entire year and produce a day at the races profiting over 5 figures, wake me up.

I'll be sleeping for a long time.

Thx for the laughs Jeffy


Oct 29, 2011
By the way, would it be you that would "embarrass" me??

Or would you be using picks from Cousin Dumbfuck, Uncle Idiot, The Proctologist, and Back Alley Dip Shit.

Cuz we all know you have zero talent yourself, that's why you need help from your stable of "experts".
Feb 4, 2019
Actually you wouldn't.

When you can get to 193-65 for an entire year and produce a day at the races profiting over 5 figures, wake me up.

I'll be sleeping for a long time.

Thx for the laughs Jeffy

WOW impressive when was that years ago are you consistent if not then you are just lucky pal. Guide me to your website I want to purchase 5 figure winners and win like you do. Oh wait you are in the business how long? Any website? Of course not, you are a fly by night, dart throwing, coin flipping capper. Don't hate a winner because that's what me and my players are WINNERS! I wouldn't use anyone's plays only my own pal. The Totals EXPERT!
Feb 4, 2019
Funny how nobody can post in your promoting thread or your boss will delete it. But it's a free for all in my thread lol. What a joke!
Feb 4, 2019
Also funny how some of my people purchased from you in the past and told me you give way to many plays on NFL Sunday's and you are hit or miss. They say they didn't like their experience.


Oct 29, 2011
WOW impressive when was that years ago are you consistent if not then you are just lucky pal. Guide me to your website I want to purchase 5 figure winners and win like you do. Oh wait you are in the business how long? Any website? Of course not, you are a fly by night, dart throwing, coin flipping capper. Don't hate a winner because that's what me and my players are WINNERS! I wouldn't use anyone's plays only my own pal. The Totals EXPERT!

I have a website you idiot.

"I wouldn't use anyone's plays only my own pal"

Then why do you give out plays from Cousin Dip Shit, Uncle Dumbass, and The Proctologist?

You are so clueless.

Horse racing isn't about trying to grind out winners daily. Very few can do that, and an absolute 100% moron like yourself surely can't.

If you could, you would be here jerking yourself off. You don't, because your plays lose money.

Most win at the track by hitting large winners, tickets paying thousands of dollars.

The only thing that matters is how much you profit. Period, end of story.

I have PROFITED 10's of thousands, and I have done so every virtually every year I play.

I don't play every day, I target big days with large pools or large tracks with big pools.


With every post you come across as more ignorant than the last post

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